The prototype fuses are breaking in very nicely. Last night's listening session was something very special indeed.

The projected release date is mid-October.

Stay tuned for more information.  

WOW!! So much anguish over a simple fuse.I'm happy to just enjoy my audio system for what it is...that being...a conduit for the music that I love most!
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aolmrd1241 ...

  • "I'm happy to just enjoy my audio system for what it is...that being...a conduit for the music that I love most!"
Same here. That is exactly why I am always on a quest to discover tweaks that improve the system. Each tweak that has a positive influence on the system also has a positive influence on the music. 

Whether it is an aftermarket fuse, Herbie's Tube Dampeners, the SR HFTs that are around the room, the Tube Trap room treatments, or more expensive tweaks like the four Shakti Holograms sitting in each corner of the room, they all get me closer to the music that I love so much. 

That was your point, was it not, aolmrd? 

Yes Frank...its all about "the music"... without the bitterness and resentment that all to often derails the intentionality of these type of threads...