DAC for Olive musica

Looking to buy the olive musica music server and need a good dac. How about the bel canto dac2? Help is appreciated.
I haven't heard this unit yet. From the description by a few audiophiles I've communicated with and one whose ears I trust. The Attraction DAC is the cats meow. If I had the loot to do both, I would have your music server/ cd player combined with this DAC. I believe you would be in for some of the best digital playback possible today.
Some good reviews on the Attraction DAC, but charging close to $1600 for one of the worst DACs, the TDA1543 ($2 a chip) with it's high distortion and low resolution, seems a bit much. I know he did some proprietary work, but this is something you can put together for a hundred bucks in parts cost with some soldering skill. Don't get me wrong - I like the sound of the TDA1543 myself with it's immediate, live sound but I think it's due to disortion akin to the classic tube sound. But it's still over priced IMO. If like that sound, it doesn't matter I guess.
Dracule1..one question..have you heard it? This DAC complete sales for $1250. From all I've communicated with, this IS NOT a standard 1543 DAC.Proprietary developement cost. No one else can claim their digital playback equipment does what this DAC does..not even the most expensive cd players or DACs in the world. So for the fellows that can afford $15,000 cd players.. this unit cost peanuts.Charles can pretty much charge what he likes..he holds the patent.$1250 for claimed SOTA sound is a bargain...though a unit like this may piss a few off that have spent more and gotten less. Where I'm from they call this Playa Hating..LOL.