Subwoofer questions -- music only

I have a wonderful pair of Von Schweikert VR-1 standmount monitors that I currently augment with a single Martin Logan Abyss subwoofer. I'm curious about running a stereo sub configuration.

I'm not a bass freak, although I recognize the need for that octave below 60 Hz or so. I would like to hear what benefits stereo subwoofers might provide. I also don't have an unlimited budget. So . . . can anyone recommend a pair of subs at $1,000 or less that I might compare to my single Abyss? One choice would obviously be another Abyss. Is there something better at that price point? Again, I don't really care about pipe organ music, so a 10" sub would probably suffice, but I do need the ability to come off my amp OR my preamp. Thoughts? Thanks.
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I truly feel you would have to get up pretty early in the morning to come close to the Vandersteen 2WQ Subwoofer Made right here in USA.
We have successfully blended these units in many different
rooms with all types of speakers from Magies to Monitor types.
The 2WQ is a sealed system which offers superb in room response, zero Bass hangover when compared to ported designs,and a Sophisticated high Pass that allows your whole system to achieve greater clarity realism and transparency.
Cheers JohnnyR
I'm sure the Vandy 2WQ is a great product -- I have the 1C loudspeakers, and love them -- but unless I'm misinformed, they're well over $1K each. That's more than a "stretch", it's utter destruction of my budget.

Thanks for the SVS tip. I guess I'll check Hsu and NHT, too.

What's the go-to "value" rec in a 10" sub? Any that fly under the radar? Shoot, I'd even be willing to screw together a Dayton kit if it meant more bang for the buck. Used is OK, too, within reason.
In my small secondary system I have been more than satisfied with my VR-1s and a small sealed REL sub running off the speaker terminals via Neutrik. I haven't felt the need to change. My model is the Q108E and it has been replaced by other models, but REL does a great job of musical subs and there should be one in your budget.
The REL subs prefer to run off of the speaker out terminals in mono (red, black,yellow). They are parallel to the speaker wires and attach to the amp with the speaker wires. The instructions on the Sumiko website are very complete. Mine is small and unobtrusive, closed box design. It is tuned so that no one can really hear it or locate it until you turn it off. It is crossed over at 50 Hz and goes down to about 30 Hz cleanly, perhaps below that but the dB drops off quickly. Another very affordable choice is Hsu Research subs, which I also own, but they are ported. Their smallest one was a little too big for my library and it was hard to keep the volume low enough but it is well made, well supported, affordable and attractive in their wood finishes. The addition of another sub should smooth out the peaks and valleys of your bass response.