Subwoofer questions -- music only

I have a wonderful pair of Von Schweikert VR-1 standmount monitors that I currently augment with a single Martin Logan Abyss subwoofer. I'm curious about running a stereo sub configuration.

I'm not a bass freak, although I recognize the need for that octave below 60 Hz or so. I would like to hear what benefits stereo subwoofers might provide. I also don't have an unlimited budget. So . . . can anyone recommend a pair of subs at $1,000 or less that I might compare to my single Abyss? One choice would obviously be another Abyss. Is there something better at that price point? Again, I don't really care about pipe organ music, so a 10" sub would probably suffice, but I do need the ability to come off my amp OR my preamp. Thoughts? Thanks.
Ag insider logo xs@2xja2austintx
That dual SVS sealed 12" set is a good deal. I have a friend who matches that sub with his Magnepan 1.7's. Another possibility, and spot-on with your budget, is a pair of these sealed 10" subs by Emotiva.

A recent issue of Home Theater did a comparo of a Paradigm SuperCube (about $1K), an $1800 REL, and the awesome JL Fathom F212. The Fathom was the best. At $1800 the REL offered up a steeply-sloped spike centered on about 44 Hz, and the ported Paradigm had a more usable, fairly flat, broad response curve held up by a couple of damped resonant peaks. What caught my eye, however, was a separate review of an Emotiva 5.1 set of speakers, and the $499 XRef 10 had a reasonably flat, easy to blend curve more like the JL (but not with the JL's dynamic power). I suspect a pair of those would work well with what you want to do. I gotta say, however, that for $150 more I'd probably try the SVS pair first.
Those Emotiva subs are interesting. I find much of their gear gaudy, but at least they allow returns. (I returned their preamp because it looked like a nuclear plant when the lights were off.) They also have a nice discount going if you can find your way to $1,500 (15%) or $2,000 (20%). Might get my brother-in-law to go in on an order with me. Thanks.

04-20-12: Ja2austintx
Those Emotiva subs are interesting. I find much of their gear gaudy,...

Their speakers are the opposite--all plain black. Their subs are unobtrusive small cubes, also all black.
Although they have their detractors...I like most Sunfire well as B&w for music
Pulled the trigger on a pair of the XREF 10 subs by Emotiva. They should be here tomorrow. I'll post a review in a few days. Thanks for all the recommendations . . .