Suggestions for Minn/St Paul HiFi Stops? Retail/Manufacturers/Private Homes

I will be visiting this coming Wed-Friday the Twin Cities to hear an Audiophile friend's system.
Anyone in the area have ideas for other stops? I have managed to listen to several very special
systems and would love the opportunity to hear something great or unusual while I am there.
Multiple references available. Thanks! Jeff
Is Paul Spelts a retail store name or ? I will look up anti cables.

I misspelled his name- its Paul Speltz.
Today we visited Audio Perfection and HiFi Sound. My buddy walked out with an 800 hour AR 2SE phono preamp on approval. I listened to Spendor SP3s, Wilson Sasha DAWs, Alexs, Dynaudio Anniversary, Wharfedale Littons & Elysa. Not bad for a couple hours.

Friday we see MiniHiFi. Also arranging a tour of the Acoustic Research facility.

Love to visit the Atma Sphere owner who gives the sage advice.