Subwoofer questions -- music only

I have a wonderful pair of Von Schweikert VR-1 standmount monitors that I currently augment with a single Martin Logan Abyss subwoofer. I'm curious about running a stereo sub configuration.

I'm not a bass freak, although I recognize the need for that octave below 60 Hz or so. I would like to hear what benefits stereo subwoofers might provide. I also don't have an unlimited budget. So . . . can anyone recommend a pair of subs at $1,000 or less that I might compare to my single Abyss? One choice would obviously be another Abyss. Is there something better at that price point? Again, I don't really care about pipe organ music, so a 10" sub would probably suffice, but I do need the ability to come off my amp OR my preamp. Thoughts? Thanks.
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You will not hear stereo separation from dual subs but you will have smoother in room response running multiple conventional sub-woofers.
You will be hard pressed to get a "pair" of decent subs for $1,000. Anyone who knows subs will tell you if you only have a budget of $1,000, buy one good one, not two lesser subs.

I am running a pair of REL Storm III subs in stereo and it is great. I bought both on Audiogon for around $750 each average. Very happy with this setup. A pair of REL Strata II or Strata III's would be great. REL hands down makes the best subs to match with your stereo setup. Home theater not so musch, although they are decent for that two.

Paradigm, PSB, Velodyne, etc. will NEVER sound like a REL sub.... "Never?", yes NEVER.
Well, maybe this will be a learning experience, but I'm disinclined to buy into such a dogmatic point of view. There are many ways to skin a cat.