American Audio

Even if audio is a global thing, good ’ole USA is still there:

PS Audio -not terribly expensive, excellent-sounding gear
Benchmark, Sanders -innovative amps, no nose-bleed prices
Cables/cords -Transparent, High Fidelity, Synergistics, Cardas, Kimber, Audioquest. More brands than anywhere on Earth.
Klipsch, JBL -still after 75 years, horns no longer ’sound’ like horns
Emerald Physics/Spatial -new takes on horn/waveguides. Like Klipsch, all-American incl parts
Vandersteen, Joseph, Ryan -the cone speaker keeps getting better
Component/speaker stands -Symposium, Critical Mass, Star Sound
ASC -room acoustics

It’s a confusing world of ear-buds, computer & car audio. And tech-general like the internet. But quality 2-chan audio is around and it’s more than I thought....

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Not for any particular reason except budget/sound quality, but I wound up with almost all US made gear.
Herron VTPH-2A phono pre
BAT VK-30SE preamp
Magnepan 1.7I speakers
VPI TNT 4 turntable
ET 2.5 tonearm
Frankentable based on VPI Scout w/TNT 4 bearing and platter
Magnepan Unitrac 1 Tonearm

Previous equipment:

PS Audio 5.0 Preamp
DB System 1b/2a/4b preamp system
PS Audio Stellar S300

Current amp: Bryston 4B SST2 (Canada)
Previous previous amp 3B (Canada)

Backert Labs, Clayton Audio, Nordost Cables, Boulder, YG Acoustics, Avalon and many many more!
Back when I first started replacing my vintage stereo with real high end it was a bit of a surprise to realize how much of it was made in the USA. California Audio Labs, McCormack, Synergistic Research, Black Diamond Racing, Graham Engineering, Basis, and my speakers were the little-known Linaeum made in Portland, OR. The surprise was because I never paid any attention to where anything was made. It was all selected for being the best performance/value I could find.

Teres Audio was made in Colorado. Now my table and arm are made in the UK. But the excellent Raven Audio is Dave Thompson and he is in Texas. The outstanding Tekton Moab is Eric Alexander in Utah.   

Can't forget Lubos, his Moneoone Nova and Supernova power cords are made in the USA.  

Perfect Path Solutions was of course USA, and then there is Decware, Bottlehead, Herron, and the list goes on...