American Audio

Even if audio is a global thing, good ’ole USA is still there:

PS Audio -not terribly expensive, excellent-sounding gear
Benchmark, Sanders -innovative amps, no nose-bleed prices
Cables/cords -Transparent, High Fidelity, Synergistics, Cardas, Kimber, Audioquest. More brands than anywhere on Earth.
Klipsch, JBL -still after 75 years, horns no longer ’sound’ like horns
Emerald Physics/Spatial -new takes on horn/waveguides. Like Klipsch, all-American incl parts
Vandersteen, Joseph, Ryan -the cone speaker keeps getting better
Component/speaker stands -Symposium, Critical Mass, Star Sound
ASC -room acoustics

It’s a confusing world of ear-buds, computer & car audio. And tech-general like the internet. But quality 2-chan audio is around and it’s more than I thought....

I'll stick with my UK stuff...well except my Border Patrol dac.. actually, it is designed by a Brit, but built here....
@audioguy85 1+ for our friends across the pond!

My UK gear manufacturers:
Cambridge Audio
Made in the USA is Made in the USA. Which a couple of you guys reminded me, Campfire Audio, I have their awesome ceramic IEC. Shunyata, how could I forget Caelin Gabriel was in my listening room! Just goes to show how much great American gear there is, can't hardly even keep track of it all!
Looking at my Rig :

  • Orchard Audio StarKrimson Ultra Amplifier
  • PS Audio DirectStream DAC Sr.
  • Balanced Audio Technology VK50-SE
  • McIntosh MC50 x2
  • Koss 95/X
  • Audioquest Interconnects and Speaker Cables
  • Bose 901 Series 1 (1968) x2
  • Ohm  MicroWalsh Satellite's