American Audio

Even if audio is a global thing, good ’ole USA is still there:

PS Audio -not terribly expensive, excellent-sounding gear
Benchmark, Sanders -innovative amps, no nose-bleed prices
Cables/cords -Transparent, High Fidelity, Synergistics, Cardas, Kimber, Audioquest. More brands than anywhere on Earth.
Klipsch, JBL -still after 75 years, horns no longer ’sound’ like horns
Emerald Physics/Spatial -new takes on horn/waveguides. Like Klipsch, all-American incl parts
Vandersteen, Joseph, Ryan -the cone speaker keeps getting better
Component/speaker stands -Symposium, Critical Mass, Star Sound
ASC -room acoustics

It’s a confusing world of ear-buds, computer & car audio. And tech-general like the internet. But quality 2-chan audio is around and it’s more than I thought....

Don’t forget about the most knowledgable poster on these forums - Atma-sphere, made in Minnesota. Anticables, Audio Mirror and Van Alstine also, same state. Audio Research, Magnepan, Bel Canto previously mentioned.
Don’t sleep on Shiit Audio they fill a space that the others don’t. Not all of us can spend the same for an amp as we can for a car or town house.

your Bose 901 caught my eye. I ran mine for years when I had had my Sansui 7070 in the rotation and they sounded very good. Not great but good. Then when I went to Aiger mono blocks and tube Freya I could never get them dialed in. Even an old pair id 301’s sounded better. I found a pair of Vandersteen sig II and was shocked how good they sound in comparison to my Bose. My 901’s are in storage as I don’t even think anyone would buy them. Maybe some day I will hook up in the garage with the 7070 that still runs great.
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Outside of a British tone arm and an American companies CD player made in Japan I have an all Americcan system .
Maybe someday I'll find an american tonearm that I can afford ,
but I doubt that I'll ever find or bother replacing the CD player 
with an American made one ( because I'm a vinyl guy ) .

Merrill Hierloom TT with Rega RB300 arm and Soundsmith cartridge 
Carver CD player ( with tubes )
Tavish Designs tube phono Preamp , Goldpoint passive Preamp 
McCormack amp , Thiel speakers 
Cardas interconnects and speaker cables 

My favorite response was Crate&Barrel !!!   listening chair    ha ha .