Need help buying new speaker cable

My Tara Labs Apollo speaker cable broke at the negative terminal end.  I will need to replace them.  What cables would you recommend?  I would like to know what cables out there would be comparable.  I would like to upgrade but they need to be affordable. A local dealer recommended Audioquest Robin Hood’s but they cost $2,000.  I just can’t spend that much money.  I am looking at Audioquest Rocket 88’s for $1,150.  Any ideas?  I would also like to know what the sound difference be compared to my Appolo’s?  I still have a difficult time you can hear a sound difference between one cable and another.  
cdamiller5,  I have only heard the speaker cables my dealer sold to me when I purchased my system.  As a result, I have not heard how other cables sound.

If you have only heard Tara cables, before replacing them or paying for their repair, try some 12 or 14 gauge "lamp cord".

While it might not be a popular suggestion on this thread, you might be surprised.

Thanks for listening,


It is pretty obvious you don't believe hi higher quality speaker cable.  Do you use lamp card to wire your speakers on you system?

My Tara Labs have stranded rather than solid metal in their construction.  Guy at Audioquest told me their Robin Hood's will change the sound of my system.  He seemed to be knowledgeable and truthful.  My speaker manufacture told me the same.