Still happy with my old gear:
ADS 1230 speakers (1983), Thorens TD166 mk table (1985), Yamaha T3 tuner (1982 - though I bought it used 4 years ago), Quad 405 power amp (Dec. 1977), Nakamichi 410 pre-amp (Dec, 1977), NAD CD player (2016). My Sumiko Bluepoint #2 cartridge, at two years old, is the newest piece of equipment. The Quad and Nakamichi got rehabbed within the last few years and the cross-overs in the ADS speakers were recapped in late 2018.
As noted, I'm still happy with this stuff, especially the ADS speakers. To get "better" sound, I'd need to spend thousands more, something I'm not motivated to do at this late stage in my life.