Looking for Speaker Input

My system is Luxman C900u pre amp, 2 Luxman M900u amps configured in monoblock mode driving Focal Sopra 3 speakers.  All digital with Aurender W20SE streamer. DAC is Luxman D10x, which doubles as a CD/SACD transport.  My question for the forum is I think the Focals are the weak link.  What speakers would the forum recommend to go with the rest of my gear?
Let me throw an alternative into the discussion. I was shocked but I found really good anti vibration feet an anything can make a huge difference. They worked under every piece of electronics I put them especially under my CD drive(it was a brand new machine). They add clarity, detail, transparency and detail. Plus I haven't done it yet but I've heard the same thing under speakers. Good ones aren't cheap but they're far less costly than new speakers.
If you like a punchy bass and sweet midrange and the capacity to increase treble via increasing upper frequency db , look at German Physik Borderland 4 … it’s an Omni but not like you’ve heard .. great soundstage but with very good imaging.

previously I’ve had Martin Logan’s and before that Linn Isobariks and quads 

OP- If you think there is a weak link in the chain you should describe sound and what you don’t like about it.

The weak link is the one between the performance and your ears- and we are not so sure about your ears.
It’s best to build your own speakers for most companies over charge for their crap products very few honest companies in this current economy. I purchased some Cerwin Vega xls-215 along with a klipsch  250c with another Cerwin Vega cvx-21s and a Cerwin Vega el36dp with some Bose 301 v5 acting as surround sound. My next set of speakers will either be jbl or custom made and maybe with all jbl drivers. If you listen to mostly music jbl and Cerwin Vega are great just not sure in this current climate for most manufacturing practices are falling way off the cliff and products are being made worse than ever before. So in essence if you want the best you have to child your own and pick exactly what you want and how you want it to sound.