Magnepan 1.6QR vs .7 speakers

I own a pair of 2002, Magnepan 1.6QR speakers. I really like the sound, but need a pair of shorter speakers for my new living environment. How do the .7 speakers compare to the 1.6qr’s regarding the music reproduction? Is one speaker superior to the other. The bass of the 1.6’s is adequate for me.
Do not downgrade. The 1.6/1.7 are much better than the lower model speakers. If the bigger panels don't fit your space, look for another product like a M-L. 
By M-L do you mean Martin Logan? I am not familiar with those speakers. Any recommendations.
"...By M-L do you mean Martin Logan?..."

Yes I do. All the M-L speakers are very good and less finicky than Magnepan. Easy placement and easy to drive. I like my Electromotion ESLs and the newer ESLX looks interesting. Get a demo to make sure you like what you hear. I'd also look at Eminent TechnologyLFT-8s.