Who makes the best subwoofer for music? REL or JL AUDIO? REL uses High level, JL AUDIO low level with EQ. Which will be better for music. 
The first subwoofer I had in my van was a top of the line JL. It was one of the first ones with a dual voice coil. It was a beast. I could run it as hard as I wanted and it took it all.

When that one eventually died I replaced it with a Dynaudio driver in the same box, same amp, same everything basically. I blew it up within a week. Luckily the dealer thought it was a dud so I got a replacement under warranty. Somehow though, I knew I had just driven it too hard so I ended up changing the power output of the amp to keep it alive.

Even though the JL was much more powerful and more fun if I wanted to play loud, the Dynaudio was by far the best sounding sub. There was no contest really, the difference was huge. The JL made low frequency noise, the Dynaudio played low frequency music. there was detail with the Dyn's that the JL's had never even hinted at.

I put that to the way the drivers work. JL drivers need a lot more power to get going, the Dynaudio moves much easier. That makes it move quicker, hence it keeps up better with the rest of the drivers.

JL's boxes are generally smaller and their amps more powerful that REL's. I assume REL subs don't need the power because their drivers are easier to drive and because their boxes are larger they also need less power overall to reach the same SPL. That equates to less movement of the driver for the same output. That can only be a good thing.

Hence, on the above, I would go for REL out of the two but when I'm ready to buy subs, I'll put my money to Dynaudio subs. I might need twice as many to get the same SPL but they're much cheaper too so the overall outlay will be the same.
05pm"B&W or Bowers and Wilkins, whatever they call themselves today makes fine loudspeakers found at Best buy. I've failed to see Wilson, Magico, Marten, Estelon, or MBL there for sale"........this post was posted to start a disruptive argument amoung members nothing more ,which is typical of the original poster....i think we've had enough of his nonsense


I use to have 2 Martin Logan Balancedforce 210 subs that did okay with my system. They utilize Balancedforce better than any other company. As good as there subs were, I felt even with their microphone setup, it overloaded the bass with the Wilson Audio Maxx 2’s. As you know with the Wilson Audio Maxx 2, they really don’t need a subwoofer as the speaker can go down to 22hz. I’ve owned a lot of high end subs over the year but for the setup I was looking for, I went with the JL because I wanted the subs to compliment the speakers without overwhelming them. Easy to do with subs. Most systems today probably need subs but mine really doesn’t. My crossover is set for 35 and below hence the reason for the Wilson Crossover. As for the the preamp is concerned, I have that covered utilizing the Cary Audio SLP-05 with the Ultimate Upgrade, Cardis wiring and tube rolling. I’ve utilized quite a bit of top of the line Monoblock and stereo amplifiers and the unit that has stood the test of time is the preamp:-) Thanks for the compliment though. The equipment you have mentioned  are incredible by the way.