Proper Planning Prevents, Piss Poor Performance and don't for get about KISS.
1 Save me time or save me money?
2 What is your budget? If answer to 1 is "save me time" forget about cost.
3 What are your performance requirements? This needs to including, HVAC, Power including ground plane and noise (EMI/RFI), Lighting, Acoustically, Human factors, ....
4 Now you have the information to build a model to figure out acoustic, electrical, and thermal performance. Manufacturers post performance characteristics of products you can insert in to models and predict the result. At this point you will need to decide, DIY, Contractor, ... or Engineer.
I did this kind of work as an engineer for awhile where the answer to question 1 was "save me time" and I have seen the work of some others. There are some highly capable people out there in this field of work for every budget. I have also seen some disasters.
Get some professional help, the result will better and take a pole. "Survey says."
1 Save me time or save me money?
2 What is your budget? If answer to 1 is "save me time" forget about cost.
3 What are your performance requirements? This needs to including, HVAC, Power including ground plane and noise (EMI/RFI), Lighting, Acoustically, Human factors, ....
4 Now you have the information to build a model to figure out acoustic, electrical, and thermal performance. Manufacturers post performance characteristics of products you can insert in to models and predict the result. At this point you will need to decide, DIY, Contractor, ... or Engineer.
I did this kind of work as an engineer for awhile where the answer to question 1 was "save me time" and I have seen the work of some others. There are some highly capable people out there in this field of work for every budget. I have also seen some disasters.
Get some professional help, the result will better and take a pole. "Survey says."