Crossover issue.

I have two identical crossovers... 1 left 1 right.
Every capacitor, coil etc... Are identical in make, value, etc and have just been redone by a reputable audio engineer.
Problem is the mid-bass section of the crossover has the right channel 8-10 db louder throughout the entire band 150 - 1500 hz. as compared to the left.
Ideas or opinions?

Thanks in advance.

BTW... I have 5 items for sale currently... Check then out. Amp, Sub, 3 sound processor units.
@erik_squires I did not mean a microphone, I mean to just test the XOs with just a signal and probably some power resistors where the speakers go.

Your idea of the DATS does the speakers, so it is conceptually the same type of thing, just I am aiming it the other way to look solely at the XOs.

Either way we are both splitting the system down the center to figure whether (in your case) the back half is working (speakers), and in my case, whether the XOs are NOT working.

Our approaches are matched (like a Darlington pair).
DATS does it all, end to end, and lets you measure the individual components as well, including the drivers.  Everything else to me seems like trial and error.