Revel Salon 2 with Pass Labs amps

I am seeking advice on my next system change. I would like to upgrade my speakers to Revel Salon 2s. I am trying to decide on a good amp match between Pass Labs XA-100.5, Pass Labs X-250.5 or X-350.5.
Nobody has responded yet, so I will throw out an alternative to your choices and strongly recommend the CODA 15.0. Single chassis, 105 lbs weight, specially designed for low impedance speakers, and it has gobs of current available. I have been using it for a month driving my Tyler Woodmeres (also multiple large drivers) and can tell you it is absolutely divine. I have never heard the Salon 2s, but they look like perfect candidates for the CODA 15.0. I can't imagine this would be necessary, but if you wanted to go overboard, you could run two of these amps in mono. I am still making some changes to my system, and I was waiting for things to settle down before raving about this amp in any posts. Suffice it to say that it does everything right (for me). If you want my detailed impressions, post back again and I will give you my off-line contact info.
The Salon 2, Pass XA-100.5 is a match made in heaven, or at lease it is at a friends house. Warm, sweet and neutral. He is considering the XA-160.5 amps but in my opinion he doesn't really need the extra power.
It looks like thr Coda 15.0 specs out very close to the XA-100.5 Pass Labs. It is out of my comfort zone to try a product of that cost without a history with that company. Thanks for the info.
I have the Pass Labs XA-30.5 driving Audio Physic Virgos. I've read the Revel Salon 2s needs gobbs of power. That is why I've been considering the X.5 series over the XA.5. My spending limit is maxxed out with the XA-100.5s but if someone has tried both the X-250.5 or X-350.5 and the XA-100.5s that would be interesting to hear. The X.5 series would save me money I could use for my speaker upgrade.I have the funds now to go ahead with the amp upgrade...but it will take several months to save enough for the Salon's. Good to hear your thoughts!