You never mentioned your room size, but if it's on the large side, say in the range of 400 sq-ft, 4000 cu-ft or larger, the Salon is going to work better than the Studio. In my auditions I always liked the Salon 2 better, and the difference was mostly in the upper midrange to highs. The Salon 2 handled loudness significantly better. If you listen at only polite levels you might never notice the difference.
The Wilson thing is a matter of preference, and only your ears can know for sure. I don't care for the Wilson sound myself, which emphasizes bass and highs a bit, but some people like that. It's usually the same people that like B&W, so it seems to me.
The Legacy Whisper, now that's a case of where you had better listen. The combination of dipole bass and monopole mid-high is unusual, to say the least. I haven't heard the XD. Maybe Duddleston finally got the Whisper right. The older ones weren't for me.