Big Brother Watching over Us (again)

Oh, Oh! Somebody stepped on a protected vendor again. 
Darn it I missed the names too which is why I am bent a little.

If the moderators just published a list of those vendors
everyone would know who to avoid talking poorly
about. Okay Mods we are waiting.

Publish or perish.
I’ve not seen where mods have played favorites….not absolutely certain it doesn’t happen…but haven’t seen it personally.

You may be seeing removal for other reasons (outright slander, etc.)…but suspect those removals are often driven by other posters.

I think they run this forum pretty “hands off” and give people too many chances,to be honest. I wish they were a bit MORE punative.

if you have a beef…put it here…stick to facts and avoid slander…and I’ll bet it stays.

Just my experience.
I've explained many times how Jungson not only refused to honor their warranty but actually used me to help them learn about their defects and then having taken advantage abandoned me. Must have told this story half a dozen times at least by now. Service that bad I will bring it up every chance I get. So far as I can recall none have ever been removed. Probably because I do stick to the facts. No name calling, just a bad product and warranty not honored. Quite a lot of bad review type posts boil down to little more than innuendo. Kind of like the way the OP is pure innuendo, little more than implied insult with nothing to back it up.  

What vendor? What discussion??