Where to go from Grado Gold?


I need advice choosing a new MM cartridge. Yes, MM, not MC. My Grado Gold 2 has served me for aboiut two years, since I took up vinyl again, but now I want to get more from my records. I really like Grado Gold 2 but I feel that I want more of...everything. What is important to me is that the cartridge is good at tracking and sibilance and distorted sound is the worst I can think of. What I've heard from Ortofon is not the type of sound I'm looking for. I think Ortofon sounds cold and analytic. Someone described the sound as CD like and I agree with that. So, any ideas what cartridges I should check out? Budget up to $600. Tonearm Pro-Ject 9cc.
With your budget you could try vintage MM cartridges that you can find NOS (unused). Grace is one of them, especially when new styli available from SoundSmith as an option (if you can’t find an original stylus or when you need replacement).

Another option is new Garrott Brothers P77i cartridge with advanced stylus profile. AU$ 690 = $500 USD

* p.s. you will find images in my virtual system
That's a pretty light tonearm, and would be a perfect match for an Audio Technica VM750SH cart...dual MM with Shibata stylus. I have one on my Akito tonearm (roughly same mass as yours) and it's killer.
Nagaoka MP200, MP300, or with some luck and a stretch, the MP500 is incredible.  Wonderfully musical, dynamic carts with amazing midrange presence, separation, and soundstage.  
The Grace F9 w noted Sounsmith stylus as needed, or a Soundsmith or a Grado - move up the line ;-)