You're the official POPE of WBer Wide Band..
hahaha good one
and its true, I am the offical LOUD speaker for WBers...
But guess what, I'm done preaching WBers,
ran out of things to say...
Now I am over on the amp page, preaching SET's as not only the best design, but the only design to consider if you are after true high fidelity.
The Ideologue and Iconoclast
Guess its the german blood in me that makes me say these things with such conviction.
hahaha good one
and its true, I am the offical LOUD speaker for WBers...
But guess what, I'm done preaching WBers,
ran out of things to say...
Now I am over on the amp page, preaching SET's as not only the best design, but the only design to consider if you are after true high fidelity.
The Ideologue and Iconoclast
Guess its the german blood in me that makes me say these things with such conviction.