Hey Snipes,
Sorry for the lag time, let me answer your questions first;
"What genre of music do you primarily listen to?" It easier to describe what I don't listen too, I don't listen to Brubeck, Davis, DeMeola (GRP) type jazz, Very little country, No gangsta rap, and bagpipes.
But everything else is fair game,
"I believe you said you were in the north east someplace"
Baltimore/ Reading PA
"I'm very surprised more people haven't jumped in on the thread."
Everything I've written in this thread I have been writing on various boards for the last 7-8 years, I am not surprised.
Normally this would have turned into a pissing contest by now.
Most people have so little quality experience with surround it is dismissed not something to fight about.
"The ATC's look interesting as well, I bet the really do Rock and HT well."
The ATC's do everything well, large classical being where they can really seperate themselves with that midrange from most audiophile speakers. But there are few speakers that I can think of that can play Megadeth to Norah Jones with the same veracity and quality of two very different types of "rock/pop" music.
no special discs required, just setup your surround as it is now. I'm looking for someone with a system that I can help over the phone get their system correct. (snipes same for you) No takers yet. What center channel do you have?
Sorry for the lag time, let me answer your questions first;
"What genre of music do you primarily listen to?" It easier to describe what I don't listen too, I don't listen to Brubeck, Davis, DeMeola (GRP) type jazz, Very little country, No gangsta rap, and bagpipes.
But everything else is fair game,
"I believe you said you were in the north east someplace"
Baltimore/ Reading PA
"I'm very surprised more people haven't jumped in on the thread."
Everything I've written in this thread I have been writing on various boards for the last 7-8 years, I am not surprised.
Normally this would have turned into a pissing contest by now.
Most people have so little quality experience with surround it is dismissed not something to fight about.
"The ATC's look interesting as well, I bet the really do Rock and HT well."
The ATC's do everything well, large classical being where they can really seperate themselves with that midrange from most audiophile speakers. But there are few speakers that I can think of that can play Megadeth to Norah Jones with the same veracity and quality of two very different types of "rock/pop" music.
no special discs required, just setup your surround as it is now. I'm looking for someone with a system that I can help over the phone get their system correct. (snipes same for you) No takers yet. What center channel do you have?