ATC SCM7 or Legacy Studio HD for small living room?

Morning all,I am looking to upgrade my system from a great hand-me-down of a Rega Mira Integrated amp, and Epos S12 speakers, Rega Vulcan Sub.  So far, I have the Rega Elex~r integrated and want to do the speakers next.
I have been wanting to try the ATCSCM7, based on hearing them a couple of times, and reading a lot of similar impressions -strong, articulate, detailed, good sound stage and depth, a sort of great all around music speaker.  However, a friend is recommending the "Legacy Studio HD bookshelf/monitor speakers".  His professional opinion (works in music and electronics industry for decades) is that these are among the best he has ever heard, especially for around $2000 compared to the ATC7s.

My system is multi-purpose (home entertainment), and wide range of music. I like strong, tight, articulate mid presence and a sort of live acoustic barn room sort of feel, but detailed.  I am NOT all that worried about sound stage, and can sacrifice that as my space is not and CANNOT be set up truly properly.  It's sort of, they can only go in one spot, and be set one way, sort of thing.  So tone, presentation, pace, detail, speed, projection usually are more important to me.
Thank you for time and experience and thoughts.

milpai thank you for your thoughts and experiences with the Legacy speakers.  It's unfortunate that it's not easy to try out speakers in your space and see how they mesh with your room, dimensions, furniture, components, etc to see if "what I heard in X space with Y gear at a show/friends house really fit my taste! Let's see if it holds mostly the same in my space!!"!!! 

As mentioned, my room structure and lay out are really a tad bit of an insult to 'proper set up', so I try to be realistic. I don't have issues that annoy me, other than I just can't have a true symmetrical set up, and have true full sound staging and space. The Epos I have, actually don't sound nearly as good as they could because of this, again, wish to be realistic.  From what I have read, the character of the Legacy fits my taste most.  ATC does as well, but......Legacy is a bit of an unknown/not super common name.  I sort of like that!! 

Appreciate your help!
lonemountain ATC has a stellar pedigree, and I -know- they are a serious and real speaker builder.  I have never heard anyone who's owned them ever regret or wish they had waited and bought something else.  For a small-medium monitor, I know they can be trusted and impress!!
oddiofyl  I KNOW!!! I was thinking and wishing the same thing!!
My million pesos business idea-- manufactures need to keep like 5-10 pair of just beat up ugly well used speakers that they can rent to folks for like, $25 a day plus shipping.  If you liked them, then they discount the rental from the price of the new speakers. If you don't like them, well at least you learned empirically first hand how they would work in YOUR space, with YOUR gear, and YOUR cables, and YOUR furniture!! 
ATC are excellent no doubt,but IF I were to buy anything ATC it would be a powered  version.

The Legacy would be of interest to me because I like low powered tube amps.   In my small room 40 watts would probably be plenty.  40 watts wouldn't even wake the ATC up....
thats a great idea.... camera stores rent lenses and bodies and deduct the fee if you purchase....