How To Do You Measure the Quality of Your AC Power?

What is the best way to measure the quality of the AC power feeding your listening room? Is there a device you can plug into an outlet that will give you the voltage, frequency, the total amount of distortion relative to a perfect sine wave, etc.? Furthermore, how would you measure the ability of your AC main to deliver transient currents?
It seems like there may be a scenario where you could measure your power quality to be excellent but somewhere in the line you could have a loose or poorly made wiring connection which under heavy load (such as powerful bass notes) you could run into trouble with power delivery. In this scenario, an AC regenerator would not help you, or would help very little.

Just curious what methods people have come up with to systematically analyze their power and how they use those measurements to drive buying decisions or repair work, if needed.

Edit: My apologies for the title typo.
Power regenerators do absolutely nothing for sound quality unless your components are very poorly designed.
In my experience, everything is on a spectrum. It’s not binary. Clean power is very, very important. Every time I’ve cleaned up my power in any way, I’ve experienced positive results. The better designed equipment didn’t benefit quite as much as inferior designs. In the end, it’s up to the listener. Does a specific power upgrade provide enough benefit to justify the cost?
I use something very similar to this little gadget since it measures the main and neutral at the same time.

A good indicator of poor or loose wiring is either the main voltage dropping, or the neutral voltage rising.

Sadly the one I actually use is no longer carried, but you get the idea.
I could never figure out why the load on the two legs has to be balanced, do your electric devices all turn on and off at the same time? There is always going to be an imbalance.

The requirement to be balanced is not to within 0.0001 %, but to avoid severe imbalances, especially at 50% or higher load. Being within 20% is probably OK. This reduces the need for the neutral to be 2x as big, and I believe also has consequences on the transformer.

If you have a 200A service and are drawing 30A you care a lot less.

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Let's disambiguate. (is that  word?)
Typically we worry about Noise. MC went on (correcly) on noise. The only solutions involve various type sof filtering, including normal filters and (better) isolation transformers. Bear in mind that YOU are likely the biggest polluter with your PC, TV, etc right there in your house.  Make sure you have filters between those noises and your sensitive analog components.

Now on to some things you said about lights dimming etc. under loads. This is a very different issue, that comes from a hgih impedance of the AC line - maybe from the utility, but also maybe your own wiring.  I have two "home run" outlets from my listening room to the 200A service in my garage that is on 12 AWG copper and bypasses all the other house wiring.  I also have several filters (all home made). But they do jack $H1T for hgih impedance (aka: low current capability - same deal).  An electrician ought to be able to find this - basically you load test it just like you load test your batter y and alternator in your car. Apply load; measure voltage drop.

BTW noise on the line changes every minute, second, hour, day and season. One measurement means little.