You own a store, you sell 2 brands, which?

Thought experiment:

You run a store which sells used and new gear from any point in history.  The catch is you can have exactly 2 brands.  One of electronics one of speakers. 

Defunct brands are OK as are those current with long histories. 

What brands are they? 
@erik_squires Thankyou, however I think that’s just geography.

I’m not sure Wiki clarifies my pedantic point but only serves to deflect - it is talking about two types of electronics - active (powered?) and passive. Non-active speakers use passive electronics, by definition. I’m not convinced that makes them non-electronic.
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Hi @noske

I'm afraid that Wikipedia's definition goes with my own.  To be electronics it must have a power source that is not the input signal.

However, arguing that is not the point of the thread.


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