Speaker recommendations, budget $10-15K

I am looking to upgrade my speakers. In particular, I am looking for better low-end extension than my current speakers, Sehring 703s, which the specs say go to 38Hz but seem to roll off above that. I primarily listen to rock. I have to say, I prefer a bit of warmth over ultimate transparency.

Ancillary equipment is a Pass Labs X150.5 power amp, Mystere ca21 preamp, Perfect Wave Mk2 DAC & Transport. Room size is 13x25. Speakers are facing out from the long wall. The speakers will be in my living room, so they cannot be too enormous or push the envelope aesthetically. I would prefer to buy new. While open to buying used, I am wary of shipping damage.

The speakers I plan to audition are:
Marten Django
DALI Epicon 8
Acoustic Zen Crescendo
Aerial 7T
Tannoy Kensington

I have also read good things about Vapor Audio Joule Black, but would have a real hard time auditioning them before hand.

I would appreciate any other recommendations of speakers to audition, as well as any thoughts about the speakers on my current list. Thanks.
The best speakers that I have heard in that price range are

Marten Django
Totem Wind
Martin Logan Summit
Master Contemporary C
Blumenhofer (cannot remember the model)
and others

It all depends on your room, electronics and personal taste.
Does anyone have any thoughts on the Wilson Sophia 3's? I spoke to a local dealer who recommended them. He claimed that they are warm, forgiving, and not finicky when it comes to placement (contrary to Wilson's reputation).
your price range includes the revel salon 2, used of course, but are one of the best speakers ever made regardless of cost, and blow away most on the list above. seriously.