Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.

So you have an alternative reality, just like KellyAnne?   Nothing I have said here is untrue.  Facts as posted by the US Dept of HHS on the VAERS site and an estimate by Yale, yeah, that Yale.    You really are a piece of work.

Australian government official spreading "misleading" information.
So 95% vaccinated, only 5% not vaccinated.
I'm sure the indoctrinated have an alternative perception. Otherwise known as being deluded. 

Just 3 weeks ago, in a September 6th 2021 interview for TheAge, a Victoria Aus. news site had a story with a headline “Almost all COVID-19 patients in Victorian hospitals are unvaccinated: Foley” a quote from Health Minister Martin Foley who is speaking in your youtube video.  “Ninety-two people are in hospital as a result of infections driven by the Delta coronavirus variant but only one of the cases in the state’s hospital system on Sunday was fully vaccinated.”  A copied and pasted quote from the story.  I find it very difficult to believe that the Covid infection demographics have changed so dramatically in 3 weeks.  It seems more likely that he misspoke when mentioning the 78 as a percentage rather than 78 of the 375 in hospital are vaccinated.  I don’t have access to the raw numbers, but of the numbers he mentioned in the video (375 in hospital, 81 in icu, 61 on vent), “78% were vaccinated” is the only number mentioned as a percentage, likely in error.  It would be just like a right wing youtuber to capitalize on a misstatement like this for clicks.  I’ll take the written statements as fact.