Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Thank You for the Bill Thalmann update. Good to read that part of your SCD-1 has been resuscitated. 

Keep me posted on your upgrade(s) to Classe' gear as well.
Safe travels.

Happy Listening!
With respect to DACs:  my advice is to not get hung up on the chip set.  In my opinion, much more important than the particular chip that has been utilized is its implementation, the op amps employed, etc ... Two different manufacturers DACs using the same chip set can very easily present with very different personalities. It's not all about the chip. Just my 2 cents. 
much of DAC sound are the filters employed, especially with a time and phase correct speaker…as is the domain of the thread….

Ditto for negative feedback, etc…

I digress..
I am remembering that BM uses 4 chips per channel - from their website:
"Four balanced 32-bit D/A converters are summed together to create each balanced analog output. This 4:1 summation provides a 6 dB noise reduction, and gives the DAC3 industry-leading performance."
Let's see what Bill says.

I have an Altmann dac but instead of 1 dac chip I have a tower of 12 with Zfoil resistors all in place powered by an outboard power supply supplemented with a capacitor bank of 100k uf by- passed with film caps all treated with 1260 Elixir. The dac filter is custom programmed by Altmann.
All this is mounted on a Star Sound Sistrum platform..sounds nice.. Tom