Speaker placement: Rug in front of speakers vs Rug underneath speakers

My room has hardwood flooring. I can get a rug large enough to go underneath the speakers, or one that ends just in front of the speakers (so, speakers on hardwood). This is for a 2-channel set up. Speakers are Sonus Faber Aida (with a downfiring infrawoofer) if that makes a difference.

Is the answer obvious? Or entirely room dependent?
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Awesome speakers - I bet they sound incredible!  The SF trade marked "Zero Vibration Transmission" elastomer/spring decoupling system has been designed specifically for the 300+ pound speakers.  I would think having a rug in front should be sufficient sonically and that the decoupling system would be best supported by a hard floor, specifically for stability. However, at this level of performance it seems SF or your dealer would be in the best position to address the optimal speaker/floor interface.  
I use isoacoustic footers on my speakers on  hardwood floor with rug in front of speakers
I have Sonus Faber Amati. I think in front is enough. But mine do not have a speaker pointed down. My intuition says up to the speakers is enough.