Fidelity vs. Musicality...........Is there a tug of War?

I lean towards Musicality in systems.
No, you actually prefer an amp that adds distortion, and your benchmark reduces clarity.

This is not true.

Our hearing evolved over millennia to interpret the fundamental frequency and even ordered harmonics as natural and clear sound. There is no natural sound in nature that is not accompanied by even ordered harmonics.
Not true as well.  Piano does not have harmonics at all.  It has overtones that are at different frequencies than harmonics.  Clarinet has only odd order harmonics (acting like close tube resonator).
Pure sine wave doesn't have any harmonics, etc.
It is obvious that unique sound of (odd harmonics only) Clarinet will be altered when system adds even harmonics.

The 0.00011% THD is achieved by dialing in large amounts of NFB. NFB results in odd ordered harmonics

Not true.  It results in odd harmonics (TIM distortions) only if NFB is recursive. AHB2 uses non-recursive feedback.  Signal fed back does not come to the input section of the amplifier, but to completely different error amplifier, that runs in parallel.

Even in minute amounts, odd ordered harmonics sound unnatural, sterile and not musical. Odd ordered harmonics do not occur naturally.

This is wrong.  Where you learning this ???  Almost all instruments (with few exceptions), produce series of even and odd harmonics.

Odd harmonics do not occur naturally ???  What about Clarinet that has only odd harmonics?
Speak to a musician and this rhetoric about harmonics....

They would think the comments are far from "musical".

It "moves" you or it doesn't .

Sometimes even better thru a AC Delco Radio.

"It "moves" you or it doesn't ".


This is what I go by but clearly it's not the credo for many posting here. 

I can't help but suspect it makes a difference if you actually play an instrument. 
It moves or it doesn’t? We’re trying to find out why it is moving or not otherwise what is the sense in participating here. Many people believe that warm sounding gear "moves" them, while natural clean sounding gear sounds analytic, sterile etc. Read AHB2 opinion I found long time ago:

"In my 25 years of of experience with mostly tube amplifiers of all sorts, I have never come across a more emotionally involving amplifier than the AHB2. It is exactly because it doesn’t "interpret" the music by adding coloration or any artificial sense of ambience or reverberation that it is so fascinating to listen to. The AHB2’s ability to reproduce the timbre and texture of acoustic instruments is beyond anything I have experienced before - just listen to brass or woodwind! - and the precision with which it reveals the actual acoustic properties of the recording venue, whether it be a small café or a concert hall, is second to none. At least to my ears. I think what captured my attention from the very first instant was how honest and genuine the sound is. If it is in the recording, it is there, otherwise not.

This amplifier keeps me on the edge of my seat in excitement and anticipation even with recordings that I have known for years and not thought very highly of, so in my view it is the very antithesis of boring. I don’t remember having ever been so moved by reproduced music as with this Benchmark combo. FYI, I almost exclusively listen to classical music and much of it in hi-rez, but I have to say that well-recorded CDs are also much more enjoyable and listenable now than before.
