Is improvisational jazz to impressionism art as smooth jazz is to realism art?

So, I’ll acknowledge up front, I’m an engineer. Civilian and Warfighter lives can be in the balance depending on whether our company products perform as required or not. As a result, I try very hard to drive the entropic world we live in towards black and white as much as possible. I need to put order to chaos. When i look at art, impressionistic art requires a lot of mental work to make sense of. I just don't see it or get it, appreciate it or like it. I also find, as hard as i may try to enjoy improvisational jazz, that i don't get it, appreciate it, or like it. Instead, I love Realism art and instrumental smooth jazz!!
Reading from Audiogon forum pages for a couple of years now, i feel like i should feel inferior because 1. I don’t appreciate the free flow of expression that is improvisational jazz and 2. I love that there is a tune and thread in smooth jazz. I love the guitar artistry of Chuck Loeb, Chris Standring, and Acoustic Alchemy; the trumpet expressions of Rick Braun, Cindy Bradley, and Chris Botti; and the bass works of Brian Bromberg. 
I’m curious if there are many others out there that equate order (or lack there-of) in their music tastes to that of their taste in the visual arts?
Also, are there many other music lovers who would rather enjoy a good smooth jazz listening session than improvisational jazz?  If so, who do you listen to?
A person has only two things - a soul and a body - everything that happens around has an impact on both.

Look at all this as FOOD! ... everything in this world is cognized by comparison! for example, two people - one eats right (clean water, vegetables and fruits without chemistry, regime, correct diet, fresh air, sun, gymnastics, good sleep, peaceful surroundings, no drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, swearing, does not cheat on his wife, is passionate about his business .. .)

the second person - drinks water from a muddy puddle in an industrial area, buys vegetables and fruits in the supermarket (they were watered with chemistry when they grew up, then they are impregnated with chemistry so that they would lie in the store for a long time), does not observe the regime at all, eats fast food, breathes from the exhaust pipe of a car, does not happen in the sun (for example, a miner), moves little, almost does not sleep, around angry aggressive people, drinks, smokes, takes drugs, sleeps with prostitutes, a loafer ...

As a result, one is cheerful, happy, slender, does not get sick, lives for a long time, has achieved a lot in life. The second - his short life is torment, he has chronic diseases, obesity, he is weak, women do not like him, and so on ...

We figured out the body - no one can argue.
SOUL is such an organ! , it's matter! (has the nature of a field).

the laws of the nourishment of the soul - have the same (or similar) principles as the body.
You will either become happy, or you will follow the road leading to moral deformity (illness of the soul) ...

Music is food! ... and your destiny!

Music hierarchy (descending order of importance):

1. Sacred music (in the west it is not enough, in America it is not at all)

2. Folk music - in it all the pain, wisdom and experience of older generations

3. Classical symphonic music (even farmers turn it on to cows and milk yields increase ... animals gain weight faster ... if you turn on jazz, cows will want a cigar for whiskey and refuse to press milk))) ...)

Then there are other types of music, but at the end of the list (the most destructive effect not only on the soul, but objectively on the human body) heavy metal, punk, rave, songs containing abuse, too loud and harsh ...
Look at YouTube materials about water:

Experiments by Masaru Emoto. Water. New world

An example of sacred music (YouTube):

Do you feel bad? Listen to these angels.

An example of folk music:

"Есть на Волге утес" - Леонид Харитонов и Ансамбль им. Александрова (1965)
"If you want to see/hear a mind that produced both visual art and Music
google Don Van Vliet."

A person has only two things - a soul and a body

And interestingly enough neither of those things is a thing. 

What you must remember above all is there are no such things as things.

I really try and give my all when I listen to all kinds of Music.I will be 70 and started with doowap and music on TV .My grandfather alway had the radio on he was into 20s music. My uncle doowap.My Stepfather Sinatra, Dean Martin,and Bway show music.In school the nuns liked Hootenanny. Then came the Beatles, Am rock.Then FM rock WNEW ,prog rock, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath. CSNand Y.Jazz  started when I worked in the old PO unloading trucks at nite.The guy at the front desk played JAZZ,mostly Free Form,Coltrane ,Miles Davis.From Prog Rock I started to listen to Classical everything I would listen to.That lead me to discovering Movie Sound tracks which mostly is Class -Jazz.Funny going to bars in the 70s lead to Disco,the Soul ,Rhythm n Blues.World music.Today,I like everything but Rapa Crapa,don't get me wrong but some of the language is just disgusting. I like the music,not the words.i like all kinds of jazz and have been to lots of clubs in Manhattan. I also like New Orleans Dixie land jazz.What I like about music from Louisiana is Down home Cajun and Texas Rock.Music is the Language of the world ,something that brings people of different religious back grounds and different colors together as one .