Sugden/Allnic or Luxman L-509X?

I’m at an interesting crossroads in my audio upgrade path, and would love some forum feedback.

I currently have a Sugden ANV-50 integrated at the heart of my system. Analog source is MoFi UltraDeck +M fed through a Lounge Audio LCR III (Gold+ upgrade) with LPS upgrade, via Morrow Audio PH6/MA6 cables. Digital source is Black Ice Audio Glass FX II DSD DAC upgraded with NOS Mullard CV4004 tubes, fed from Roon ROCK, and cables are Morrow Audio MA6. Speakers are LSA-10 Statement monitors augmented by an SVS SB-3000 sub.

I would call my system mid-fi, and I’m relatively happy with its current performance. Digital playback always seems to get the upper hand over the analog lately, so I’m taking a hard look at upgrading the phono pre amp.

The issue is that I’ve pretty much talked myself into the new Allnic H-5500 (which I know is superb) to replace the Lounge LCR, but for that price I could probably upgrade to the Luxman L-509X and replace both the Sugden and the Lounge…

I think the Allnic would be a HUGE step forward in analog playback, but I wonder if the rest of my current system would be able to resolve all of that. The Allnic would also be a truly end state phone pre for me. An heirloom that would be passed to my kids someday. The Luxman would most likely be the same, an end state integrated that I would pass on to the next generation.

If I go the Allnic path, I won’t be in a position to upgrade my Sugden for years. So I’m wondering if perhaps it’s better to tackle both the integrated and phono in one shot. The cost of the Allnic plus trade in or resale on my Sugden and Lounge Audio would get me where I need to be on the Luxman.

I know the Luxman has a great phono stage, but I doubt it’s up to the performance level of the Allnic. I will also eventually upgrade to a Soundsmith or Hana MC cart when the MoFi MasterTracker is done, but I’ll stay with the UltraDeck for a while. Am I trying to go too high end for my phono pre, where the Luxman may provide a more noticeable sound upgrade?

These are good problems to have, but I’m stuck square in the middle, and would appreciate any feedback from Sugden, Allnic, or Luxman users.

EDIT: I should add that if I do go the Allnic route right now, I definitely intend to upgrade my integrated at some point. Probably not to the Allnic level ($$$!), but something like a Line Magnetic, Luxman, Accuphase, possibly Sugden IA-4. That’s about a 2-3 yr timeframe.
The Allnic would unbalance your system.  In order to make it fully work you would have to upgrade your turntable/tonearm, cartridge, interconnects and amplifier.  If you were only going to replace one item, then the Luxman is an excellent choice.  However, I would suggest you take a slightly different path and replace the integrated amp, phono stage and DAC with a full featured integrated amp.  I would suggest models by Levinson and Denon (anniversary models).  You'll give up the class A amp and the tubes, but you'll eliminate most of your cables and power cords (a very good thing) and get better digital.  The analog would probably be a slight upgrade (similar to what the Luxman would provide).  Dollar wise I'm talking in the $5 to 10k range.  Good luck and keep us informed.

BTW, your system is not mid-fi.  A mid-fi system doesn't have NOS Mullards.
For a modest investment I suggest replacing the phono cables and IC's with anything from Kimber, Audioquest, Cardas, or Analysis Plus. Have a professional align your cartridge and make sure it is level, VTF is correct, and that it is properly isolated. 
I am a Luxman fan and if you like things smooth but powerful and nuanced, the Luxman is killer. Line Magnetic is going to give you a more aggressive leading-transcients-forward sound. The Luxman gear is timeless and built to last forever. The build quality is at a different and higher level than LM. Luxman USA's customer service in unbelievable. 
Traded my Luxman 590axii for a Sugden Masterclass IA4 about a year ago. VERY pleased with it. Mostly stream with Bel Canto DAC and Streamer. Harbeth C7s. Mid range for sure but I love it. Just added a REL sub for a little more oomph....not sure about that yet.
Wahoostewjr- curious is the Sugden a little more neutral than the Luxman? I’ve owned various Luxman amps for 20 years and one day I just stepped away from the golden tone and never looked back. I also have a A21 that was a soundstage champ but I found it a little too edgy with some material on my speakers at the time. Curious about your take on the two brands.
I would definitely go the upgrade amp route first, whether that's Luxman, Line Magnetic, or the other brands you mentioned. While the Allnic is no doubt a world-class phono stage (I want one too) I feel that it may cause an imbalance if the rest of your gear is not at that level. Once you have the most important key pieces in place (amp and speakers) then you can go nuts on source gear, not the other way around. My 2 cents, good luck!