Three things really opened up my 3.6 Maggies were Mye stands, room treatment (ficus plants behind speakers) and enough power (McIntosh MC501s).
Those changes (I went thru a few amps) made the amazing sound I still love today!!
Can Magnepan survive Wendell Diller?
The one thing Magnepan could do that would not be overly expensive is to produce a solid frame like Mye stands as an option. Three things really opened up my 3.6 Maggies were Mye stands, room treatment (ficus plants behind speakers) and enough power (McIntosh MC501s). Those changes (I went thru a few amps) made the amazing sound I still love today!! |
ps582 posts07-28-2021 7:45pmOP writes regarding the discussion on his thread: "some reply’s (sic) on this post that entirely miss the point of that and have have (sic) taken it off track and through the mud." The only mud in this dreadful thread is that which has been flung at Mr. Diller. ---------------------------------- Indeed. |
Well, I'm not sure what Wendell has to do with it. Magnepan is a legend in audio. They certainly didn't get where they are without a good business strategy and it's worked. I'm amazed at how great the speakers sound considering the basic parts and construction they use, and I have a good point of comparison for how much it takes to do better as you can see from my radically "tweaked" system. If you want to spend more, their product line has always allowed people to trade up for better sound with their higher model, more expensive speakers. All of their speakers are contenders for top honors at their price points and higher. We all see a lot of valid complaints about how the cost of audio is no longer affordable for most people. Certainly, no one can fault Magnepan for that! |
I just got up from listening to John Adams "Harmonielehre" with San Fran Symph/MTT, full of wonder, awe and reverence at the power of that music - thanks to a 5.1 sys of all Maggies (20.7, 3.3, CC, REL- Emotiva). I came upon this thread, curious about the price of the 30s. Their designs are doing something right - it’s all about the sound - and that’s all there is to say about it. Like every manufactured product, there are improvements that can be made. But, just like your sweetheart - If you’re thinking of going through with getting married, believing you can improve her over time, don’t do it! |