Aren't you sorry you missed out on this one? It's already sold out! LOL

The only problem with playing Hendrix on this table is you have to turn it upside down
That's one fine table there! It takes a really nice table for me to get excited but this one is pretty damn cool.
I am sure that is not true.  Who is nuts enough to pay that much for a Mofi junker?  They are full of bull at Mofi.  Took them 3 years to repair my QUAD ESL2912's - worst experience in 40 years of hifi!
Some people will like this finish and some won't. I have an UltraDeck and I like it. Read the reviews and customer reviews  Would I trade mine for this? No, but they will probably sell a lot of them. It's good marketing and good for vinyl. Of course there are better turntables out there for higher prices.