cassettes CAN sound better than vinyl.

cassettes CAN sound better than vinyl. with a good type ii and a Nakamichi CR-7
I don't think the OP is 'dreaming' at all. Back in the '80s and '90s, I made some magnificent sounding High Bias/UDXL2 cassettes that were way more clean, punchy and dynamic than anything I would have had to put the time, expense and effort into getting off of vinyl. How many thousands did you have to spend to get rock solid bass you'd get off of a high quality tape? That went anywhere.
Same for reel to reel, though you obviously couldn't take that everywhere.
I just think there are a number of posters who are letting a romantic BIAS and allegiance for vinyl, possibly the most difficult format in audio, lead your thoughts.
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On my 682ZX, recordings on a properly calibrated Metal tape sound really damn good. Better than the best vinyl? Not better or worse. Just different.
Then again, my Nak is a better cassette deck in the world of cassette decks than my turntable (a Denon DP-59) is in the world of tables. Perhaps on my next turntable upgrade, this will change.
But I love having both hobbies. Tape is fun.
Yea and black and white tv looks so much better than todays HD! Go away with this nonsense