Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Ah Magister, the side you picked
Dear tomic601, i am very sorry that you think i picked a side....

I just said the complete opposite ....

This crisis is not  about a political stance for or against this vaccination...

Is it possible to think?

My deepest respect to you....
I'm not against anyone taking or not taking a vaccine.
 You are right my dear friend....
Why is it so hard to respect the wishes of others???

Oh that’s right, it’s just so darn easy.

It’s hard work to be cruel, takes much energy…

Say one word a little off center, non intentional and you’re misunderstood.

The foundation has already been laid by men before us, good men at that. Many good men of all color…

Democracy is not the norm, never has been.

The most intellectual people I’ve ever met, are the ones that can communicate with the softest of people and also the hardest.

Yes, we love our Audio engineers…


The onion layers are many and so so very thick 

Checking a map of distribution, I saw that the predominant region with low vaccination rate is most of Africa in single digits. The issue there is primarily one of distribution and storage due to the ultralow temperature storage requirements.

No, it is because malaria is endemic there, and so everyone takes HCQ. Therefore they have no need of One HCQ a week and you can go about your life as if the CCP virus never got out of the Wuhan lab.

That is, you could were it not for their friends in power all over the world working to make everyone scared to death of a virus with a lower mortality rate than ordinary flu.

Or heck, if you are one who thinks the "vaccine" works then why do you care? Aren’t you safe? The vax works, right?? So why care how far apart people are, or what they wear, or where they go?

Alice and the Mad Hatter, Lewis Carroll himself, couldn’t follow the "logic" of the vaxxers and fear mongers here.
Politicized…But I must respect the wishes of others!

I’ve had my son tested twice because of becoming sick in recent months, and this is after his complete vaccination. Paid out of pocket because I WANT rapid results. Both negatives.

Have another story, one of my daughters regarding her new employment.

I’m not vaccinated like I’ve said but I don’t take it lightly… I’ve already had it, immunity