Why the hate for mcintosh amps?

Why dont people,like mcintosh? Who motivates this?

so what are the alternatives??

Would you enlighten us as to why all private equity is bad? By definition, private equity is one or more entities investing in a business whose ownership interests are traded between private hands, rather than interests whose shares are publicly traded. McIntosh is owned to a substantial degree by its key personnel.

I’m neither friend nor foe of McIntosh, I just happen to have mild contempt toward those whose first post carries a negative tone.
For a company that has been around since 1949 (that’s nearly 3 quarters of a century). To say that they are hated is pure uneducated drivel. What facts do have to support this thesis??? An audio chat room read by tens of people🤥😱🤡.

They sell millions of dollars of equipment every year, audio amp, pre amps, turntables, speakers, CD, Dac, streamer,  video, home theater, car audio.

What a waste of time I contributed to. Slow Friday I guess 😴 
" Easy answer - Macintosh today is owned Lock Stock and Barrel by Private Equity money - if you know anything about companies purchased by PE the end user is buying 100 % Marketing !!!!"

- I thought Macintosh once made computers and McIntosh made audio gear. We are well aware of who owns McIntosh, however the build quality and service remains high and still made in Binghamton, NY. They enjoy a large customer base, based on performance and what I described above.
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Somebody still loves McIntosh because pretty much every unit is at least an 8-week wait or more for delivery. Seems they can't make enough fast enough right now.