Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Met a gentleman on a job site that was treated with hydro approximately one year ago. His symptoms were identical…

His treatment was more than 6 months prior to the fall out and the hydro done zapped the bug like a fly zapper.

How do you treat someone with a low cost medical protocol when that someone is asymptomatic??
There is no indication of a massive asymptomatic transmission but a possibility in a very short period of time (2 days or not much more) of pre-seymptomatic transmission essentially in household...

Most transmissions are probably from symptomatic people in closed environment airborne...(hospitals for example and old people retirement house and household)

Then instead of being in fear, we must think about simple prophylactic measure like washing and mask in closed environment but mainly also sustained simple prophylactif treatment or reinforcing immunity treatment ( vitamin D level vitamin c level zinc level etc ) Why NO reinforcing low cost immunity treatment has been declared mandatory for most? Why ONLY costly vaxx is massively mandatory NOW ?

What is safer scientifically? a new rapidly unapproved experimental costly tech massively and unwisely used or a simple low cost very well known immunity reinforcing treatment about minerals and vitamin level?

What is safer scientifically and rationally ,only one thing : the vaxx or the treatment? Why not the 2 used wisely ?

Is it a good thing to allow the population to become a giant Petri dish for more virulent covid mutations?
Mutations comes from the natural life evolution of this kind of corona viruses but the way we act can create a selective pressure like with indiscriminated forced mass vaccination that will worsen the situation...No miracles from ONLY mass vaccinations nor ONLY from drug treatment....Only the wise use of these 2 tools can help....Alas! politically driven people on any side are at worst "stupid" or at best with blinders....

By the way i am not a scientist nor a doctor....

But the failure of science and medecine under political and lobbies pressure must force us to think more than usual...

It is not unlike the audio world under the marketing pressure to upgrade instead of thinking our way through at low cost....


«Crazy is the new wise»- Groucho Marx 🤓
Take audio advice from respected audio professionals. Take medical advice from respected medical professionals. Exchange thoughts and ideas with anyone you choose. Avoid drawing too many conclusions without a proper data set. Then, be careful whether you are qualified to analyze the data to draw conclusions.

I was joking around with an esteemed retired medical/science professional who founded one of the largest biotech companies in the world decades ago. He smiled and said to me, “be careful with your data when analyzing anything, I used to tell my research scientists that 100% of those persons who die each day once breathed oxygen. Is the breathing of oxygen correlated to their demise?”

Everyone just relax. People have their minds made up by now, right or wrong. Banging heads about science on an audio site may not be the definition of insanity, but it is next to it in the dictionary for those willing and able to read.

To those out there convinced of the existence of a vast conspiracy against them, who are certain that (fill in the blank) are conspiring to infect/keep you down/et al its highly likely you are not significant enough in the whole scheme of things to spend the energy necessary to create such a conspiracy. But hey, the fallout shelter builder would likely beg to differ.
Take audio advice from respected audio professionals.
You are right....For sure....

We must begin here....

But which one audio professionals? Engineers ? which one of the many engineering fields? reviewers ? musicians ? acoustician? psycho acoustician? experimented audiophiles ?

Take medical advice from respected medical professionals.
You are right....For sure....

We must begin here....

But which one medical professionnals? Rand Paul or Doctor fauci ?

Which Nurse, which doctors from which fields and from which hospitals ?

After all,medical errors, little one and massive one, are one of the main proven cause of death in life....Is not it?

You are spot on right for your advice tough....But we must think before choosing a doctor or an audio specialist for ourselves .. Dont you think?

By the way i created my own audio system by reading about all audio and not one specialist in particular... And I was once very sick for years....No doctor figure it why... I did after 10 years of thinking and observation improving myself my own diet ....

Then you are generally right about your advice but i think that personal thinking cannot be replaced by ONE specialist to whom was given the job to think for us....

Then reading audio forum or medical forum can be helpful for even audio matter or even health ...If we think by ourselves critically also....

«Take also the good seeds where they had fallen»-Groucho Marx reading Bible....🤓

A last word: there is no vast powerful conspiracy against me for sure...But what should i called a mass of convergent greed power and lobbies in agriculture and medecine and alimentation for example?

If you think that this mass of convergent greed did not exist , quit even reading audio forum, you will not be able to figure it out by yourself anyway....😁😊

«Being right is good, but not enough in life....»-Anonymus Smith