Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
I see a opening, a opportunity presents itself…

I currently run matched pairs of Shuguang natural sound CV181-T in thee Preamp, and I must say, I LOVE them. 

But I’m looking for some of the warmest ones possible to play around with. 

Teach me

You seem like a passionate and knowledgeable person on many subjects. You and I have bantered back and forth on a variety of topics and it has been typically fun. Why though would you post links to clearly questionable data when its actually fine to just disagree? You are better than that. Frankly, as I've said earlier, the pro-crowd and the anti-crowd have their minds made up already.

Daily Expose is a U.K.-focused conspiracy site created in November of last year, and since its establishment, it has promoted a standard portfolio of COVID-denialist, anti-vaxxer, and Great Reset myths framed as breaking news. 
With that said, I believe you are giving the "greed conspiracy" way too much credit.
Your memory forgot too much easily...

do you remember the false analysis about HCQ in the Lancet about one year ago?

Who do you think paid for that piece of costly proven now retracted forgery? And why? Think a minute and you will discover the answer... 😊

And by the way a jewish clever man like Groucho could very surely for once in his life read the new testament and pick some grain of salt there, like everywhere else....Your remark speak more about yourself than about Groucho...Then dont give lesson about Groucho or jewish mind...They could be open like the mind of any people in any culture...

And who do you think pilot all health budget in the usa and one of the biggest in the world for more than 30 years?

Between "NO conspiracy", and between "all is conspiracy", we could ourselves think out of this childish alternative if yourself could not...

And if audio fun for you is arguing about digital and vinyl you are not very far ahead, i dont miss useless false warring choices even in audio thread...It remind me too much of the stupid alternative between "no vaxx at all " and "all must be vaxx" at all cost...

ghasley they don’t understand consequences, especially the impact they have on others…….

Poisonwood Bible writ large…. Report thisghasley1,058 posts10-02-2021 1:54pm@tomic601

You are correct.

And the "song" about misleading the mass if we discuss health politic here, is a pathetically non clever argument... I suppose in my life that all people could and would understand an argument if they pause to think.... It is the basis of democracy... Then censoring thread for the motive of leading the mass in the right direction is completely undemocratic to say the least...

Growing mind is freeing ourself from propaganda and censorship of all kind and from childish alternatives....