Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.

I just took a look at your system.
You said it yourself you LOOK at my system and the photos are already old...

My system look more crazy than in these photos i can assure you...

By the way you look only, you never LISTEN to my system....

I can assure you that nobody who listen to my under 500 bucks system with all my no cost homemade devices and homemade embeddings controls and my homemade mechanical equalizer dont laugh at me anymore...

Then laugh if you want to, but wait to listen to it before laughing too much loud here...

It seems what appear before your eyes catch your attention more than what is behind your gaze....

Which one is the craziest ? The one who dont spend money and create his own hi-fi system for peanuts or the one who think that the ready made costly gear must be better?

Asking the question is answering it....

«Character is sometimes like sound invisible to the speaking eye»-Groucho Marx 🤓

And dont look in the Groucho dictionary of citation....I just create it for you....


I could care less about how much anyone’s system costs or how it sounds. That is their business. I’m sure it sounds wonderful. Its just that the photos of your room bears a striking resemblance to the apartment in which Mel Gibson’s character lived in the movie "Conspiracy Theory". The irony doesn’t escape anyone remotely objective.

My apologies if you mistook my comments as somehow derogatory economically.

I could care less about how much anyone’s system costs or how it sounds. That is their business. I’m sure it sounds wonderful. Its just that the photos of you room bears a striking resemblance to the apartment in which Mel Gibson’s character lived in the movie "Conspiracy Theory". The irony doesn’t escape anyone remotely objective.

My apologies if you mistook my comments as somehow derogatory economically.
Ok i get your point...

I apologize if  i hurted you...But i am also sensible to critics about my system...

And yes my adult children thinks my audio room is next to a hollywood mad scientist...Then you are right and i never see this movie ... I will, thanks...

My deepest respect and friendship....
I’m in the wait and see what happens camp, where I like to sojourn, while the World goes a bit crazy crazy crazy.

Like yourself, I am a student of history. When significant volumes of persons of a professional nature start asking us to question the narrative, I for one will listen and weigh it up.

Yes, I’d heard about the now removed falsified HCQ paper in LANCET, and I heard about the debates in Australia regarding it’s vilification and false reports (bungled research) as well. The paper regarding Ivermectin causing scarring on a persons heart, which was totally debunked and removed post haste.

I would bet when the Sars Cov 2 virus did the rounds after an under cooked bat was eaten at a fish market in late 2019 (coincidentally within walking distance of a research laboratory specifically researching gain of function on Sars Cov viruses), big pharma didn’t think medications already in use could be used to control it effectively.

I hope audio shows do come back, as this cannot possibly go on indefinitely. And I would hope in the advent that a vaccinated or not vaccinated person does exhibit symptoms of Covid 19, that we are all aware of effective early treatment plans that exist.


Respect and friendship to you as well.

Seriously, you are accomplishing some major positive outcomes and showing considerable thought and intelligence to imagine and design everything in your photos. Best wishes.