Revel f12 owners....

Just curious what others auditioned before taking the plunge...I was impressed with what I heard...I ultimately went with another Harmon product...Infinity Primus 360/362 tower...very similar configuration/ construction to f12s...anybody done an informal comparison?...
Thanks Kid...I used to own the Beta 50s as well as the Interlude 40s...both at higher price points then the P362...the Primus is a much more balanced, musical speaker...the excessive bass/mid-bass bloat of those made for a challenging listen at times...the Primus still retains the soft treble/warm bass/smooth presentation Infinity is known for...albeit far more neutral this time around...soundstaging, imaging, and transparency are excellent...I have no doubt the F12s are a better speaker...but the Primus are an exceptional value...Stereophile got it measurements don't lie...

After many changes and upgrades over the years, I am extremely happy with my system. After spending fifteen years with my wonderful Vandersteen 1C's, I am experiencing a greatly improved sound of music with my new Revel F-12 speakers. The synergy between all my components is quite good, and the musical enjoyment is sublime. The hours spent in my listening chair are truly glorious, and I'm a very happy music lover !
Update: After auditioning some F12s yet again...following thoughts on them vs Primus 362...the F12s have the edge in deep bass response...but the effect is not dramatic...touch more transparent/detailed in the midrange...but again, splitting hairs as the 362s are no slouch in this area...imaging and soundstaging are a virtual dead these are the 362s strenghths...their soundstage L-R width is really quite impressive...more so given the price point...they both are a bit on the polite side...but the difference between the two is closer than many would think...the Revels did receive a full grade(B) above the Primus in Stereophile...which means they are both excellent products
Another big bonus at this price point...Primus 362s have an abnormally large sweet spot...I assume to the wide dispersion characteristics noted in Stereophile...they really do a nice job of creating a "wall of sound" as a friend of mine suggested...far from perfect...lively cabinet...which Im surprised Harman didn't address...they obviously were aware of it...possibly price driven...but it doesn't seem to alter the good things the Primus are able to accomplish