Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
So it's either insane conspiracy theories or members apologizing for calling out the insane conspiracy theories. The pandemic was not orchestrated by the Rockefellers or Fauci. And bringing up Rothschilds is straight up antisemitism. Enough already.
jond, If Rothchilds happened to be of a dark skin, you would then accuse me of being racist?? Your game of only purposeful debate is lower than weak. I won't bother myself to look back on this thread, but didn't you post to the affect as you "read incessantly" or something?? It is of known and documented fact themat Rockefellers are the founders of modern "medicine", termed such as they Sell Manfacture, fund "Mecical" Universities, etc. it is about money and control, nothing more. It is NOT about the healthful wellbeing of humanity. Continue your intensive study. We are all in the same lifeboat of this world together. I do truly Love you all!
jond, and since we just passed 20th anniversary of 9/11, do you STILL believe some middle eastern men flew planes into NYC and knocked the towers down, etc?? The same one's behind that are behind this situation, and what is planned to come.