Speaker Reco

My system is pretty simple

Bluesound Node 2 streaming mostly Tidal
oppo 105d for cd
hegel 190 (use the dac for streaming)
audiovector qr3

..looking to replace Audiovectors as our new house has larger listening area.  Approx 20 x 20. 
Listen to variety music: alt country, rock, soul, funk.

any reco for good match for the above either new or used in $5k range - possibly a little higher ?

focal 936?
sonus faber?
Focal Kanta 
kef something ?

I know I'll want to audition but wanted to get a short list together 

appreciate any tips 

Sound characteristics - honestly I'm not sure how to describe this. Perhaps I've not listened to enough systems.  I like openness and clarity but I dabble in playing drums and appreciate some depth 
I have a friend with Kanta 2s in a pretty large room. I think they sound very good, not quite as dynamic as I’d like, but I’m a horn guy. They are very coherent and easy to listen to. I’d say they are a very competent all around performer.

Sound characteristics - honestly I'm not sure how to describe this.. Perhaps I've not listened to enough systems.
I agree.  Nobody can make a legit speaker recommendation if all you have is what music you listen to and at what volume.  You need to go hear more speakers to figure out what characteristics are most attractive/important to you, otherwise this is just a crapshoot for you and us.