Esoteric DV-60

Anyone heard this unit yet? As many of you know, it is replacing the DV-50S and I'm looking for noticeable difference in audio/video quality as well as functionality. I know on paper the changes that have been made, but is the upgrade worth it from a user's perspective. Thanks for your opinions and experiences. Dave.
Dv-60 same Pioneer drive as dv50, but the dv-60 has half the size of the Dv-50 power supply, and a 1/4 of the size what the Dv-50 uses as the HQ 2 channel output.

Anthony are you sure the DV-60 still uses the Pioneer transport? The sales literature claims the transport is a "newly designed,engineered and manufactured drive mechanism"

Thanks for your comments.
Tvad: I´ll double check the units again this weekend together with a friend who intends buying either used DV-50 S or new DV-60.
In the meantime the dealer promised to me that the unit will have at least another 150+ hours of spinning break-in CD´s/ music cd´s/sacd´s on it. So we talk about 350 - 400 hours of break-in time. If the unit doesn´t perform 100% after this intense treatment -then simply throw it away as it will take a normal listener several month to reach 400 hours of use.
In the meantime I´ve send my own UX-3 SE to my favourite modder to give him the ultimate treatment..
I spoke with my technical service contact this morning at Esoteric and according to him the transport in the DV-60 is indeed manufactured by them. The Pioneer info posted here previously is erroneous.
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