Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
mahgister, the playground is the infinite

But you already knew this…
The most complex object of the universe is not a concrete one but a symbolic one...

Take the Mendelbrot set or if you prefer the cumulative pattern behind the prime numbers distribution...

My brain, or all the visible universe is nothing at all compared to these 2 geometrical and musical mathematical symbolic objects...

Then what is infinity?

Not a concrete "thing" like all the galaxies or the set of all tables....

Infinity is a spiritual manifestation of the ONE consciousness...What i like to call the cosmic universal memory....This active memory is also a " free creative imagination" ....

I then read number theory books or projective geometry books like the new testament or some mystical poems or some musical scores...

Reciprocally spiritual insight is always the reflection of an unseen geometry....

The great spritual and genius geometer Blaise Pascal never said nothing else....After all, after the antykythera archimedean computer, he created in modern time the first mechanical computer....Perhaps reading him is a thing to do....

«Are you saying that acoustic laws must be "seen" and numbers must be listen to? Are you nut?»-Groucho Marx 🤓
«Your Scriabin was nut anyway »-Harpo Marx

«The visible cosmos is only a wall between us and the infinite, this part of ourself we dont know yet»- Anonymus Smith

«Acoustic is a speaking geometry»-Myself

«Are you saying that the walls speak here?»- Groucho Marx 🤓
I'm sure when they had the Spanish flu they thought nothing would be the same again.But it did.When all is said and done ,what will will see are more people with face masks .Like we used to only see in China and Japan...Perhaps.
The walls do speak, says the fly on the wall…

What do you really believe in mahgister, and what laws govern you. 

Those of men before us, or our own. 
There is much evidence the Spanish Flu, which was a bacterial pneumonia was caused by Rockefeller Institute vaccine trials by way of their new anti meningitis vaccine.