Tube Amplifier Sound Characteristics

I wish there were a scatter diagram one could put together of tube amp sound qualities. The reason I say this is that today's tube amplification can range from sounding warm and romantic to cool and solid state like.
I like the sound of VTL, Quicksilver and Antique Sound Labs. I am in the market for a tube power amp and as I shop I see where more and more amps do NOT sound like tubes at all. So where would the sound characteristics of the 3 amps I mentioned be? For example I was considering the ARC Ref75SE but owners tell me it is SS sounding. Your thoughts are appreciated.
Well I own Atma-sphere MA-1s and think they are among the finest sounding amps in the world. I dont even think about sonic characteristics when listening. I think OTLs are the best tube design provided certain speaker requirements are met.

The thing to ask yourself is why Atma-sphere gets so little attention from the audio press? I will tell you one thing it aint cause they dont sound wonderful. Truly in most cases the actual sound of a product may very low on the list of reviewer criteria. 
It surprises me that people still talk mainly in terms of tonal balance when discussing tube amps.
The warm, rolled off tube sound as it were.
Forget about it! It isn’t what you want anyway. Modern tube sound is better than that.
Tube sound is now about refinement, a sound that never fatigues or is edgy. This is the main reason I love the sound of tube amps. Too many solid state amps try to sound like tube amps by rolling off the highs and detail and do come off as slightly more refined- but boring!
Along with that refinement you get an open, clear sound and excellent transparency.
This is another reason I love the sound of modern tube amps- an open engaging neutral sound.
Last but not least the better tube amps deliver a stunningly spacious 3D sound stage. Solid state cannot touch this.
So kill the idea that the tube sound is about tonal balance, warmth and rolled off highs. That sound gets old in a hurry and it is time to be put out to pasture.  Little wonder solid state amps took off in droves.  
Tube sound is now about high end refinement, lack of any trace of harshness, leans more to a neutral beautiful open, transparent presence and midrange while presenting a spacious wide, deep and holographic sound stage.
The new tube sound should have solid state lovers coming back in droves. 
An n variable Radar chart, Just define your variables and the scales.

Ralph has it right, pick flavors your brain likes.
BTW the REF75 se is a superb amplifier, yes I have heard it length in my system….
Some very good input and some not so much. We build tube components.  Class A tube mono blocks and a hybrid tube amplifier, all point-to-point wiring.  Each has something to offer.  While the Class As are fantastic, the hybrid actually is more 3D sounding - go figure.  So some of the general characteristics mentioned are not so accurate IMO.

You need to focus on a price range and go hear a few.  Then you will get a better handle on what you prefer.

Happy Listening.