Splendor D9’s.2 vs B&W 803 D2 which I own

I’ve had the 803 D2’s for about 9 months now and enjoy them but they don’t connect with me for all music, especially more rock oriented music. They excel at jazz and even country! Because of them, I’ve become quite the jazz fan. But, most of my collection is rock of many varieties, so I’ve always been kind of curious about other options. I’m visiting Houston this week and there’s a pair of Spendor D9.2’s that interest me. I read they are pretty neutral and a bit more fast sounding. I’m thinking they could be a fit and the owner says I can audition if I’m a serious buyer. To me the B&W’s are more on the laid back side. This is based on my limited exposure to speakers but will say they are not as forward/fast as my previous Cornwall II’s or maybe even Triton 1’s. Any thoughts how the Spendor D9.2’s would compare to the 803 D2’s and if they would be more versatile for rock? Thx. 

Livingston 532H
Audible Illusions L3 preamp
Herron phono preamp
Technics 1200 G
Sony HAP Z1 server
McIntosh MB 50 Streamer/DAC
Assortment of mid to lower level IC’s
AQ Rockefeller speaker cables
Ag insider logo xs@2xbfoura
I will echo some of the points here as well.

I did some serial box swapping and speaker testing (below and above my budget) and settled on the following (my room is very similar sized to your yours):

Linn Akurate streamer, Rega TT, Parasound JC3+ phono stage, Pass Labs XP20 pre and Pass Labs XA30.8 Class A amp powering Spender D9 speakers. Super happy finally…
@photomax that’s a nice system. The XA30.8 has plenty of power for the Spendor’s? 
The previous amp I tried was a Bryston 4BSST2 which was a great party amp with tons of power. But at lower volumes it had a brightness that I did not like. The Pass XA30.8 was about the fifth amp I tried and was an instant “this will work” match for the D9s. 
I love this system…
So, would you say the Spendor’s are more particular about amp matching than other speakers? 
I don’t think so?

This is my second system. In a remote area where I had concerns about reliable Internet. I added a turntable station as a result. Quite enjoy the sound. But some digital streaming (started with SONOS) sounded “bright” to me when compare to playing records. A familiar rabbit hole for many. My system then was all Rega including the speakers. I took my time, tried different things and landed up where I am. I enjoy vinyl and streaming now. I would say the Pass Labs and Spendors give a full range sound with a solid sound stage and great detail without unwanted brightness. The combination is rich without being overly warm “pipe and slippers” if you know what I mean. The amp has a little warmth to it but there are no major “hot radiator”concerns, but I live in moderate Washington state. I also liked the smaller Spendor D7 speakers but the D9s had something extra that I knew would work in my larger room. 

My main system is very different: all Akurate Exakt Linn system which sounds amazing. Some might find it clinical? But I enjoy the extra bandwidth of some of the higher resolution albums that I stream from Qobuz.