Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
7.9 billion people on this earth

120 million are born EVERY year.

60 million die every year.

10,000,000,000 + people by 2050.

Just six weeks in the wrong direction 1/2 the worlds population would be gone.  Just 2 weeks of bad water 1/2 the worlds population would be gone. You know what the other half would be eating?


Never under estimate a human's ability to turn as feral as a PIG in the wild.. (about 6 weeks).

Just six weeks in the wrong direction 1/2 the worlds population would be gone. Just 2 weeks of bad water 1/2 the worlds population would be gone. You know what the other half would be eating?


Never under estimate a human's ability to turn as feral as a PIG in the wild.. (about 6 weeks).
You are right....

I will buy some chikens and like you i will feed them....

My best to you....
Master M, you know human nature, just better to be aware and be prepared. More than anything to be able to hold our nose for the next year or two..

No chickens, dried food, no cooking for 6 weeks or so.. Then out of the bunker..

Wild pig, rabbits and rats in the Delta. Long pig and cats in the city I got a plan.. :-) Tule fuel..
Once upon a time, there was a pretty cool audio site. A virus or a bacterial infection, no one really knew for sure, swept through the land.
All part of the great plan……of course,,,,,,,,
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