Trying Magnepans, need advice

He guys, here's my current rig:

Given the amp and room size, which Maggies should I get: 1) the MMG's or 2) the MM1B's (assuming cost is not an issue)?

I know speaker placement is vital to getting the best response from Maggies and I'm worried my room is too small to do them justice. I'd appreciate any comments. Thanks!
I am about to take delivery on a pair of Magnepan 0.7s. I had been using SETs with the 45 which is not powerful enough for their 86 db sensitivity so I rebuilt my amplifiers to let the 45s drive the grids, through an innerstage step-down transformer, of the 833-As which take only 1kV through a Hammond 1642SE transformer which has speaker outputs for 4 Ohms.
When I auditioned the 0.7s they sounded more beautiful and clear than any $50,000+ speakers I ever heard when the store selling Magnepans held a public demonstration and seminar. I live in a small house 26 feet in diameter but the Magnepans will have more than 7 feet space behind them.
I used 1.7i with a sub in a room 11-5 x 15 and the sound was totally amazing. Most listeners seemed to prefer the sound without resistors. The room had plenty of lp storage , curtains and carpeting which tamed the high end.