Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
@millercarbon I was just answering Iso's question. You always come out swinging, thats cool. As I was stating, it would be fun to return to an audio forum. I wasnt commenting to state a pro/con position on any of the controversial subjects, I was actually trying to state an agnostic position on same in the hopes that Audiogon could return to being Audiogon. I penned that post in response to Iso that I also nurture a workplace that fosters the same. No big deal.

If I somehow offended you for joking with you about writing a product review before you've heard a piece of gear you have on order, regrets.
Post removed 
Audiogon remains Audiogon. There are still all of the other threads on this site. THIS OP thread began: "If we ever get through all this craziness ... "(indeed)!! All views are welcome and appreciated.
Unlike some others I’m glad this thread has not been pulled. At least not yet.

It might be unsavoury for some but hiding our heads in the sand, or silently locking ourselves away in our rooms with our not so average systems while generational changes are happening outside is not really a defendable course of action, is it?
Besides, contributions to the debate are always voluntary, and there are plenty of other debates for those that prefer.


"People really should watch the video above. Not just America, Western Civilization itself is being destroyed before our very eyes. While we quibble and quarrel, more often than not it is being done not on the terms of reasoned debate but following the rules of oppression and revolution laid out by Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky. Study this subject people. While you still can. This is the ideology at the root of all our problems."

Some of have already studied this subject and long concluded that the US empire is being dismantled in a similar way that both the German and British ones were during WW2.

Opinions regarding the methods of this destruction will depend upon which side you stand.
To patriots these are difficult times, but enemies might regard the installation of a bought government a masterstroke.

What better way is there to covertly destroy (or change if that’s your preferred delusion) something other than from within itself?

"Just six weeks in the wrong direction 1/2 the worlds population would be gone. Just 2 weeks of bad water 1/2 the worlds population would be gone. You know what the other half would be eating?


Never under estimate a human’s ability to turn as feral as a PIG in the wild.. (about 6 weeks)."

Correct, as has history has demonstrated time and time again.

It’s not just a dog eat dog world.
Just be sure to stock up on plenty of pasta if the very worst outcome comes to pass.

The truth is out there, but you might just need to occasionally step out of the Google/Zuckerberg ecosystem to find it.

It’s also kind of telling that apart from Nicky Minaj and Eric Clapton very few celebrities have expressed an opinion on current affairs.

When you look at the volumes of flak they’ve received for doing so, maybe not so surprising after all.

Whatever became of the protest singer?
Are mavericks no longer permitted in this high tech world?